Sunday, March 24, 2013

Welcome to TKCS Jamaica 2013 Missions Trip!

Hello, and welcome to TKCS 2013 missions trip to Jamaica! I am Joe Lombardo. My wife Brianna and I are leading this trip to the Caribbean along with 10 of Kings' seniors: Holly Anderson, Kayla Barrow, Zac Betz, Cha, Ashli Cooper, Joel Donato, Nicole Figeroua, Beth Grunza, Olivia Johnson, and Josh Savidge.

We will be staying with Jim and Penie Koch, missionaries stationed in Jamaica through Kingdom Builders Ministry. In our travels, we will be doing everything we can to help the people of Whitehouse, Jamaica and its surrounding areas. Many people in America believe Jamaica to be a beautiful vacation spot with lush landscapes. While this is true, the country of Jamaica is riddled with poverty and the spots away from the resorts and major cities are very close to third-world. Everyday items that we expect to be in our homes are not readily available to the people. As a team, we will be sharing supplies from the states (toiletries, toys, clothes) with hospitals, nursing homes, and children. From skits and puppet shows to carnivals in towns, a whole world of ministry awaits us and the students.

So, if you haven't already, be sure to add your email to the list for post updates from Brianna and I and the students. We will be posting at least twice a day! Please be sure to keep this ministry in prayer through the days of our service. Thank you for your support!

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