Saturday, March 30, 2013

Scavenger hunt results!

"Kay Dizzle here AKA Princess....anyways we just returned from the market where we broke up into five groups (mixed with the Canadians) and tried to bargain with the locals for our groceries. It was a really cool but intimidating experience. A lot of people tried to rip us off, but in the end everyone won...except for Mrs. Lombardo's team and their tiny pineapple. We all met a lot of different people at the market as well, one guy named Mark told me that I was very intelligent and it was a blessing getting to know me in such a small amount of time. We're back at the house now getting ready to eat chicken foot soup and cocoa bread, then we're going to go out to host our second carnival. I'm super excited to meet the kids and see what God has in store for us today. Continue to keep us in your prayers that everything will run smoothly and that we'll just connect with at least one person each today."

Just for the record, my (Joe's) team took #1 on the scavenger hunt. Olivia and I killed it with our mad bartering skills.

"Just for the record, my (Kayla's) team took #2 on the scavenger hunt with two extra items and no bartering."

Ok, back to me (Joe). The marketplace was really cool. The people here were a lot easier to barter with than the people in Guadalajara that I remember from my last missions trip. They actually let you walk away when you decide not to purchase from them. I got to get a cheapie pair of sunglasses because I left mine at home. After this meal we're going to have round two of the carnival. I'll let you know!

1 comment:

  1. Pictures are awesome and help us a lot here at home! Looks like all of you are at home down in Jamaica. Cocoa bread sounds delicious! We are praying for your carnival this afternoon. Keep up the great work! The Andersons
