Sunday, March 31, 2013

Resurrection Day!

So, we've had a wonderful day of worship and rest. Unfortunately, the card reader that goes from iPad to SD card is not working; I may or may not have gone snorkeling with it in my pocket. It is soaking in isopropyl alcohol and ill let it dry overnight. It should work in the morning. Here is a snippet from Cha!

"So, today was quite a special day! I walked out to the beach in the early morning. It was amazingly beautiful! After we chilled out there little bit, we went out to another beach snorkeling!! I saw massive sea urchins, fishes, sea stars, and a white toilet...? Anyway, we went to a Jamaican church and experienced Jamaican style worship!! Although I couldn't understand what they were saying because they were using slangs, the one thing that mesmerized me was their passion for the Christ: All of those in the church sang songs with super spiritual souls. And after church, we went to the beach again. Falling asleep on the beach was just unexplainably good! The water was really clear and like emeralds. The water was pretty muddy so that we could have a mud festival! Moreover, I met little friends Akila and hung out with her! Oh! Def, I strongly had a desire to be a good dad when I was taking care of the kids!!"

Tomorrow we will have more time to be uploading pictures. The next update will hopefully just be a slew of pictures from today. We may just have to use the iPad's camera from here out to show you all things.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jamaica team! Hope your day is going well. Just found out something interesting... the world clock says you are an hour earlier than us in NJ- no Daylight Savings in Jamaica in 2013. Thanks for all of your great updates! We continue to pray that God will use you all for His glory! ~the Andersons
