Sunday, March 31, 2013

Resurrection Day!

So, we've had a wonderful day of worship and rest. Unfortunately, the card reader that goes from iPad to SD card is not working; I may or may not have gone snorkeling with it in my pocket. It is soaking in isopropyl alcohol and ill let it dry overnight. It should work in the morning. Here is a snippet from Cha!

"So, today was quite a special day! I walked out to the beach in the early morning. It was amazingly beautiful! After we chilled out there little bit, we went out to another beach snorkeling!! I saw massive sea urchins, fishes, sea stars, and a white toilet...? Anyway, we went to a Jamaican church and experienced Jamaican style worship!! Although I couldn't understand what they were saying because they were using slangs, the one thing that mesmerized me was their passion for the Christ: All of those in the church sang songs with super spiritual souls. And after church, we went to the beach again. Falling asleep on the beach was just unexplainably good! The water was really clear and like emeralds. The water was pretty muddy so that we could have a mud festival! Moreover, I met little friends Akila and hung out with her! Oh! Def, I strongly had a desire to be a good dad when I was taking care of the kids!!"

Tomorrow we will have more time to be uploading pictures. The next update will hopefully just be a slew of pictures from today. We may just have to use the iPad's camera from here out to show you all things.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Rainy day in Jamaicaland.

The carnival was a great success! However, the rain did come down hard on us at the very end and we had to tie it together quickly.

"Today I mostly just took pictures of the carnival we held with the kids. It was nice to observe the whole operation instead of taking part, although both are very exciting. I was glad to be able to watch how well it went and how much the kids were genuinely enjoying the various games we had set up. I. Love. You. Celeina. That was celeina one the children adopted by Jim and Penny. I am thankful for today, and look forward to the rest of the week!"

"Today was a very amazing day, I got to go out into the market to buy groceries and in doing that a lady named Lauralton approached me and began speaking to me and we made a really amazing connection and so I had told her where I'm from and that we are from a Christian school where we talk about Jesus freely. And I asked her if she have accepted Jesus in her heart and she did, she has been a Christian for 20 years and I could tell when someone has Jesus in there heart because of the joy on her face and so I asked her if her husband (Robert) is a Christian also and she said no and so I asked her if I can pray for her husband and so we prayed. It was very touching to have this experience."

As a team, we are all on the roof again debriefing and being together. Cha is slipping in and out like a narcoleptic (standard operating procedure). At least we know where he is!

Scavenger hunt results!

"Kay Dizzle here AKA Princess....anyways we just returned from the market where we broke up into five groups (mixed with the Canadians) and tried to bargain with the locals for our groceries. It was a really cool but intimidating experience. A lot of people tried to rip us off, but in the end everyone won...except for Mrs. Lombardo's team and their tiny pineapple. We all met a lot of different people at the market as well, one guy named Mark told me that I was very intelligent and it was a blessing getting to know me in such a small amount of time. We're back at the house now getting ready to eat chicken foot soup and cocoa bread, then we're going to go out to host our second carnival. I'm super excited to meet the kids and see what God has in store for us today. Continue to keep us in your prayers that everything will run smoothly and that we'll just connect with at least one person each today."

Just for the record, my (Joe's) team took #1 on the scavenger hunt. Olivia and I killed it with our mad bartering skills.

"Just for the record, my (Kayla's) team took #2 on the scavenger hunt with two extra items and no bartering."

Ok, back to me (Joe). The marketplace was really cool. The people here were a lot easier to barter with than the people in Guadalajara that I remember from my last missions trip. They actually let you walk away when you decide not to purchase from them. I got to get a cheapie pair of sunglasses because I left mine at home. After this meal we're going to have round two of the carnival. I'll let you know!

Day 2

This morning, Zac, Joel, and I went to the beach for morning devotions. Cha and Josh were on chef duty and the girls were dead to the world in bed.